Rock Opera: "No One" - Vladimir Bodunov.
Rock Opera
"No One"
Vladimir Bodunov
"The idea that identity shapes our relationships with others is fascinating. On one hand, being "no one" feels like it gives us freedom — freedom from expectations, judgments, and the weight of others' desires or demands. It’s like being untethered, existing in a space where we can simply "be."
But, as you’ve pointed out, it also comes with a deep sense of loneliness. The desire for connection and meaning is a fundamental part of being human, and when we’re not seen or valued by others, it can create a void. There’s a paradox where, in order to feel truly recognized or loved, we often have to “become” someone — to take on a role or identity that others can latch onto.
This tension between wanting to be free from the burdens of identity and yet yearning for human connection and love is where much of the pain and conflict can arise. In some ways, it seems like a universal struggle: Do we sacrifice our sense of freedom to belong, or do we hold on to our "no one" status and remain in isolation?
What do you think — is it possible to find balance between these two, or does one inevitably lead to the other?
In my opera, as it seems to me, I would like to explore this theme as widely as I can, so that you may reflect upon it and make the right decisions in your life, and thus, in ours and mine.
Thank you for being with me!
Sincerely yours,"
Vladimir Bodunov
Dear friends,
I will be very glad and grateful if you enjoy the aria of the girl "Stop Even Thinking of It" from the opera "No One" by Vladimir Bodunov dedicated to N.S. The track is available for listening and purchase all around the planet Earth, in all its beautiful and extraordinary corners.
You can support the composer by purchasing this track, as well as sharing the link and your impressions with all of your good friends.
Thank you for being with us!
Thank you for being with us!